A number of Music Scholarships are available each year, to encourage talented musicians to make Warwick their first choice for music-making and for a degree. There is no music degree at Warwick and hence these Scholarships are open to students from all subjects. We currently have choral, keyboard and instrumental scholarships. Many Warwick music scholars have continued their musical education at colleges and conservatoires in the UK and abroad after obtaining a first degree in an unrelated discipline. Scholarship awards are currently £450 for each year of residence at Warwick, with an additional subsidy on music tuition fees.
The Scholarships are awarded on the basis of competitive auditions held each year on the first and second Monday and Tuesday in the March before arrival at Warwick. Applications must be made on the appropriate Music Centre form before 10th February in the proposed calendar year of entry. Please note that you do not need to have received an offer from the University before applying for a scholarship - providing that you have applied to the University, you can apply for a scholarship. Applicants will be advised as soon as possible after the closing date if they are to be invited for audition. In preparing the timetable, account is taken of the distances candidates need to travel.
Organ Scholarships
The University also offers an organ scholarship in partnership with the Parish Church of All Saints in Leamington Spa. It is an award of £450 per year and the application procedure is the the same as with the other scholarships. Auditions are scheduled in consultation with the church, the audition panel and the candidate. Further information is available on request.
Scholarship Auditions
The audition usually lasts around twenty minutes, and is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their potential as well as present level of achievement, and in particular their likely contribution to the musical activities of the Music Centre. The auditions take place in the Warwick Arts Centre's Butterworth Hall.
The audition consists of three parts:
For more details of the auditions, click here. |
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Scholarship forms and full regulations
The scholarship form is available on-line in PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
to view/print). The form may not open if using Mozilla Firefox as your default browser. If it does not open, please try using Internet Explorer. Alternatively, contact the Music Centre for a paper copy.
The full regulations for the award and tenure of Music Scholarships at the University of Warwick are part of the University Calendar. A summary copy is available by contacting the Music Centre.