Canon Collins Trust currently manage a scholarship programme on behalf of Mrs Graça Machel. The aim is to provide female students with scholarships that will equip them to take up leadership roles for the benefit of their community, nation and region.
Applications to study in the UK through the Graça Machel scheme can be made on the standard UK application form and sent to the UK office.
Applications to study in South Africa through the Graça Machel scheme must be made on the specific application form and sent to the UK office (NB this is different from our standard scholarship scheme to study in South Africa, for which applications should be sent to the South Africa office).
The application process for Graça Machel scholarships in South Africa is now open - please see the application form and guidelines below.
Application for Graça Machel South Africa scholarship starting 2011
Guidelines for applying for a Graça Machel South Africa scholarship