The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a Fulbright program that brings accomplished mid-level professionals to the United States for a year of academic and professional work. By providing future leaders and policy makers with experience in U.S. society, culture, and professional fields, the program provides a basis for lasting, productive ties between Americans and their professional counterparts overseas. Fellows are nominated by the Binational Fulbright Commission in Jordan based on demonstrated potential for leadership and commitment to public service. Final approval of candidates recommended by this Commission and the independent panels in Washington, provided by the FSB.
a. Academic: The Humphrey program is not designed to lead to a degree and is classified as a non-degree program. Humphrey Fellows technically cannot transfer from the Humphrey Program to degree status in any program. Applicants will not be able to become degree candidates after they arrive in the U.S Rather, Humphrey Fellows pursue tailored study programs at participating host institutions, where the freedom from the requirements of a degree program gives each Fellow the flexibility to pursue an individualized program. There is no provision for Fellows to request placement at any particular university. Approximately 15 campuses have been selected through a competitive process to host fellows in groups with significant thematic and subject affinities. Each university is chosen based on institutional resources and the level of support and guidance it offers to the participants. Each campus has a designated faculty coordinator for academic and administrative support. Faculty advisors also assist Fellows in pursuing balanced academic and professional programs.
b. Professional: A Fellow’s professional-development plan may include professional visits, conferences, and a professional affiliation (work attachment) which must be at least six weeks in duration. Early in the academic year, each Fellow develops, with assistance from the local campus coordinator and faculty advisors, a plan for professional activities carefully geared to the Fellow’s need for relevant, practical professional experiences.
FELLOWSHIP FIELDS: The eligible fields are:
– Agricultural Development/ Agricultural Economics
– Communications/Journalism
– Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention in cooperation with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in co-funding Humphrey Fellowships in substance abuse treatment and prevention. Candidates in this field must either have a research background in the field or demonstrate an ability to learn to understand the results and policy implications of current research. The candidates will be recruited and ranked together with candidates in other fields, and must complete a supplementary field-specific application page.
– Economic Development/Finance and Banking
– Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
– HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
– Human Resource Management
– Law and Human Rights
– Natural Resources and Environmental Management
– Public Health Policy and Management
– Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
– Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (Teacher Training or Curriculum Development)
– Technology Policy and Management
– Trafficking in Persons, Policy and Prevention
– Urban and Regional Planning
a. Appropriate candidates are mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have a commitment to public service and the potential for professional advancement. Prospective Fellows should have a minimum of five years of professional experience, after completing a university degree, prior to April 2010 and should be interested in the policy aspects of their fields of specialization. Candidates must have completed a university degree program requiring at least four years of full-time study in order to qualify for admission to U.S. programs of graduate study. Candidates should be proficient in both written and spoken English and should normally have a minimum Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 232 on the computer-based test, or 90-91 in the Internet Based Test. (Candidates with lower scores may be nominated for the Long-Term English training.) In general, candidates should have both the need to participate in the program and the potential to benefit from it. Accordingly, they should demonstrate the required experience, skills, and commitment while also indicating how they can benefit from this program in ways that they have not experienced previously and are not likely to experience without the Humphrey Program.
b. A candidate may be removed from consideration if he/she does not meet all of the technical eligibility requirements. Ineligible candidates include recent university graduates (even if they have significant positions), university teachers or academic researchers with no management responsibilities (except in the fields of substance abuse prevention and treatment and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language), individuals who have attended a graduate school in the United States for one academic year or more during the seven years prior to April 2010; and individuals with other recent U.S. experience (more than six months during the five years prior to April 2009). Individuals with dual U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent resident status may not apply to the program, since they are ineligible for a J visa.
APPLICATION FORMS: Please submit only the 2011-2012 application forms:Please click here to download the:
2011-12 H H Humphrey (Jordan) Eligibility Guidelines
Please click here to download the:
2011-12 H H Humphrey (Jordan) Application Form
Note: Contact the Fulbright Commission ( ) for a hard copy or an electronic version of the application, if you fail to download the HHH Application Form
Application deadline: 30 May 2010.
Jordanian-American Commission for Educational Exchange (JACEE)
(aka The Binational Fulbright Commission in Jordan)
Street Address: 19, Mahdi Bin Barakah Street (Shmeisani)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 850215, Amman 11185, Jordan
(962-6) 568-4760 (962-6) 568-4760 or 560-4630, Ext. 15
(962-6) 568-4820 (962-6) 568-4820
Office Mobile No.: (962-79) 644-4119, Extns. 11 and 15
Work Week: Sunday through Thursday (Friday and Saturday is the weekend)
Hours of Operation: From 8:00 am until 6:00 pm — Open to the Public from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm